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发布时间:2022/5/16  阅读次数:3100  字体大小: 【】 【】【



马来西亚专家Yu-Using Chen的回答

Since 1998, I have been working in China and have been to many places. In recent years, I have encountered a lot of false reports about China and growing hostility from the west, so I decided to write this article to introduce China more clearly.


China has been trading with our country Malaysia for thousands of years. In the feudal era, they were the largest power in the world most of the time, but they never sent troops to occupy our land.


The Portuguese came in 1511, the Dutch came in 1642 and the British came in 1786. We became colonies in Southeast Asia one by one. They stole the waterway of Malacca and set up the East India Company to plunder our resources like vampires. When China wants to import spices from India, they will conduct fair trade with India. When they want gemstones, they will trade with Persians. They have never occupied overseas land.



The only significant expansion of China beyond its existing borders was in the Yuan Dynasty, when Genghis Khan and his descendants mengge Khan and Kublai Khan conquered China, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. However, although the Yuan Dynasty was located in China, it was also a part of the Mongolian Empire.


Then there is a century of shame. After Britain could not find enough money to pay for the Qing government in the tea and porcelain trade, in order to reverse the huge trade deficit, Britain smuggled opium to China to deceive the people.


After Opium was destroyed in salt water, China closed its ports in order to contain opium. Britain launched the first Opium War. China lost the war because of its weak national strength. The Qing government was forced to surrender to Britain in the peace talks (Nanjing Treaty). At that time, the British owned 90% of China's opium market. These opium came from India, and the remaining 10% was owned by American businessmen in Boston. Many well-known institutions on the east coast of the United States were established from opium.



After 12 years, the West became more and more greedy. The British hoped that the Qing government would: 1) open the Chinese border and allow goods to enter and leave freely, duty-free. 2) Legalize opium in China. Faced with such absurd demands, the Qing government refused. With the support of the United States, Britain and France began the second Opium War with China, and China failed again.

12年后,西方变得愈加贪婪。英国人希望清政府:1)开放中国边境,允许货物自由进出,免税。2) 让鸦片在中国合法化。面对如此荒谬的要求,清政府拒绝了。在美国的支持下,英国和法国开始了与中国的第二次鸦片战争,中国再次失败。

Since then, China's resources have flowed freely from free trade ports. In the subsequent amendment to the treaty, the Chinese were sold overseas as workers, which is called "selling piglets" in Cantonese.


The Opium plague turned the world's largest economy into the "sick man of East Asia" among the foreign population. From 1850 to 1864, a deadly rebellion called the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom uprising broke out in southern China, killing 20 million people.


In 1895, Japan occupied Northeast China and Taiwan Island in the Sino Japanese War of 1895.


In 1898, Chinese martial arts groups launched a Boxer Rebellion to counter the influence of foreign forces in China. The involvement of the boxers, the Qing Dynasty and foreigners in the armed conflict led to the siege of Beijing by the League of eight (the Japanese Empire, the Russian Empire, the British Empire, France, the United States, Germany, Italy and Austria Hungary) in 1900.


After the defeat, the Qing government and later the government of the Republic of China paid 16.7 million kilograms of silver in 39 years. The armed weapons of the Qing Dynasty were banned for two years, and the invaders occupied the land around Beijing to protect their interests.


During this period, Dr. Sun Yat Sen worked hard to liberate China from foreign colonial and imperial rule. After years of revolution, Dr. Sun Yat Sen established the Republic of China in 1912, marking the end of China's more than 2000 years of imperial rule. However, the country was still controlled by warlords.


From 1924 to 1927, his party, the Kuomintang, cooperated with the Communist Party of China to deal with warlords. Unfortunately, after the death of Sun Yat sen in 1925, his successor Chiang Kai Shek turned against the Communist Party and killed members of the Communist Party of China (Shanghai massacre). A civil war began in 1927. Until the full-scale invasion of Japan in 1937, the two forces cooperated against Japan again until Japan was defeated.


The above is the modern history of China's humiliation.


In 1949, the Communist Party of China took over this populous country with an average life expectancy of only 38 years and raised it to 65 years in 1976, twice the world average growth rate in the same period, with a population increase of 400 million.



After the founding of the people's Republic of China, its illiteracy rate fell from 80% to less than 20%, making it the largest effort to popularize education in human history. Tibet was liberated from the feudal serfdom, and they also laid the foundation for China's industrialization.


Then there is the story of "black cat and white cat" in the early stage of reform and opening up. The preference of the leadership for pragmatism rather than ideology has profoundly changed China. This kind of thinking makes China pragmatic rather than ideological. The current model of socialism + elite rule + Confucianism + market economy is very suitable for Chinese people. Singapore also has a similar model. Lee Kuan Yew once said in an interview that it was China's high-level visit to Singapore in 1978 that prompted China to adopt a market economy.



In just over 30 years, the Communist Party of China has lifted 800 million people out of extreme poverty, and the growth rate is unprecedented in human history. As poor as India in 1978, China's GDP is now five times that of India.


They have become behemoths of infrastructure and have built the world's largest high-speed rail network to date. They turned a fishing village called Shenzhen into the world's second-largest technology center after Silicon Valley. It has the most perfect e-commerce and cashless payment system in the world. Now, the number of electric vehicles exceeds that of any other country (the number of electric vehicles per capita ranks sixth).


Chinese people live a decent life. China has become one of the safest and most harmonious countries in the world. The level of patriotism in this country has reached an unprecedented level. A survey conducted by Harvard University in 2016 showed that the government's public support rate is 93%, almost the highest in the world.


In recent years, the US president has frequently accused China of stealing American jobs, such as the construction of apple and Tesla production bases. The fact is that apple is one of the most profitable companies in the world. It takes most of the profits, leaving only a small part of Foxconn. The profits in China are even less ($8.46, equivalent to 3.6% of the cost of iPhone 7).

这几年美国总统频繁指责中国抢走了美国的工作机会,如苹果、特斯拉生产基地的建设。事实是,苹果是世界上最赚钱的公司之一,它拿走了大部分利润,只剩下富士康的一小部分,中国的利润更少(8.46美元,相当于iPhone 7成本的3.6%)。

While claiming that China's one-child policy is inhumane, they accuse China of polluting the earth with its huge population. These two contradictory allegations show the dilemma of the United States in the face of China.


In fact, compared with Americans, China's per capita energy consumption is only 36%, because China's per capita household building area is 20 square meters and the United States is 77 square meters. China's average motor vehicle ownership per 1000 people is 196, while the United States is 838. The European and American world sets up factories in China to make money, but accuses China of polluting the earth.


In many cases, mainstream Western media, including BBC and CNN, have been caught making false reports on Xinjiang. It is clear that the real motive behind the Western accusations is the the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).


The fact is: China is proud of its ethnic minority policy. Frontier ethnic minorities have made great contributions to the consolidation of national unity and national defense construction. For example, without Xinjiang and Tibet, central and eastern China will face the threat and a large amount of funds will be forced to invest in national defense. Therefore, they are of great significance.



Therefore, China will be inclined in terms of fertility policy, college entrance examination policy and poverty alleviation policy. In every autonomous region, the chief executive must be a minority. The school teaches local language, and public signs must be written in local language and Mandarin.


Now, where are the Pueblo, Navajo, Hopi and Mojave indigenous tribes in North America?


Unlike China, where Uighurs, Tibetans, Mongols, Zhuang and Hui have their own autonomous provinces (accounting for 43.8% of China's land area), the indigenous peoples of North America and Australia have been eliminated or expelled from their land or assimilated.


The real aggressors are creating riots. In the 243 year history of the United States, in 227 years, 93% of the time was in war. As President Eisenhower warned in his farewell speech, the military industrial complex (MIC) has turned the United States into a belligerent country. Lockheed Martin, a weapons contractor alone, has 110000 employees worldwide, with an annual turnover of US $60 billion, equivalent to the annual GDP of a country like Bulgaria.


When the war stops, American wages will fall. The war in Iraq has claimed the lives of one million Iraqis, and the biggest winner is KBr Halliburton, which belongs to Vice President Dick Cheney. At least 85000 children under the age of five starved to death as a result of the war in Yemen, lobbied by Raytheon, a weapons contractor. In the secret war in Laos, a shocking 270 million bombs were dropped in a country with a population of only 2.5 million.


The annual military expenditure of the United States alone amounts to US $775 billion (2020), which is equivalent to the total military expenditure of the next 11 countries in the top 12 . However, since World War II, the United States has won few wars because it does not need to win. The military budget for the war in Afghanistan is $315 million a day, lasting for 20 years. This is very profitable for weapons contractors. The enemy created hatred and fear out of nothing to gain support and steal money from American taxpayers.


If the world is not afraid of the United States, why are they afraid of China?


With only 4% of the world's population, how does the United States maintain its leading position in the world?


1. Use the status of the world's largest economy and military power to coerce small countries.


2. By controlling the world financial system, the transactions of countries are subject to the swift system.


3. The US dollar is the world's reserve currency.


4. Occupy a leading position in the high-tech field.


5. It has the largest army to date, commanding the allies of NATO, the Quartet, the five eyes and Orcus.


6. By implementing the "order based on the west", the United Nations was bypassed and war was wantonly launched.


7. By controlling the western mainstream media, master the unilateral voice and soft power penetration. Jailed informants such as Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, as well as anti drone activist Daniel hale, who revealed 90% of civilian casualties in drone attacks.

7.通过控制西方主流媒体,掌握单边话语权和软实力渗透。将朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange)和切尔西·曼宁(Chelsea Manning,揭露美国战争罪行)以及反无人机活动人士丹尼尔·黑尔(Daniel Hale,揭露90%的无人机袭击平民伤亡)等告密者关进监狱。

8. By supporting the opposition such as Alexei navalny of Russia or Juan guaido of Venezuela, deploy non-governmental organizations (such as NED) to carry out regime change in foreign countries in order to safeguard their interests, and remove the obstacles for the United States to achieve its goals by assassinating foreign key figures such as general solamani and Iranian scientist fahrizad.

8.通过支持俄罗斯的阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)或委内瑞拉的胡安·瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)等反对派,部署非政府组织(如NED)在外国进行政权更迭,以维护其利益,通过暗杀索莱马尼将军和伊朗科学家法赫里扎德等外国关键人物,清除美国实现其目的的拦路虎。


9. Attack competitors by implementing long arm jurisdiction, such as Toshiba, Siemens, Huawei and Nord Stream II natural gas pipeline, or plunder technology from foreign countries, such as ALSTOM, France.

9.通过实施长臂管辖权来打击竞争对手,如东芝、西门子、华为和Nord Stream II天然气管道,或从外国掠夺技术,如法国阿尔斯通。

40 years ago, China pledged to rise peacefully. Since then, they have changed from a country poorer than Bangladesh (per capita) to today's superpower without dropping a bomb in a foreign country.


In human history, from the Athenians to the Romans, to the Mongols, to the British, to the Germans and Japanese, and then to the United States, no superpower has ever risen without any bloodshed, war, slavery and colonization of other countries. The scale of China's rise is larger than them. China has become what it is today by fulfilling its commitments to its people and the world.


After building its own country, China is also helping other countries build. Now, Laos has more advanced high-speed railway than any American Railway. Countries that have humiliated China for a century (Britain, the United States, Australia, Japan, etc.) did not celebrate and say "well done" to China, but marked this achievement by opposing China again.


I deeply sympathize with all the sufferings of China, but now I am happy for them. China has not risen. They are returning to their own place. I wish China good luck.

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